Short Bio:
Thomas Kast is an award-winning independent photojournalist and illustrator based in Zurich, Switzerland and has published a number of photography art books.
Thomas spent a big part of his life in Israel, where he taught graphic design, photography, and illustration at the Shenkar College of Engineering and Design and other Israeli colleges.
An incongruous rhetorician, Thomas always knows best despite all evidence pointing to the contrary.
Long time in the making, his debut novel — a philosophical science fiction piece, the Great Convergence — evokes many of the author’s real-life experiences fused with his unhinged fantasies.

UNEP United Nations Environment Programme, ETH Zurich, Springer Nature, EAWAG Swiss Federal Institute Of Aquatic Science And Technology, ICB Safety and Environmental Technology Group, EST Environmental Science & Technology Magazine, PNAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, STAP Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel, IPCP (International Panel On Chemical Pollution), Practical Photography, Wanderlust Magazine, Singa Switzerland, Pless + Various Clients
Awards and Further Publications:
The Great Convergence: A strange novel for strange times

Must Read ★★★★★
This great convergence of comedy, absurdity, and philosophy leaves one shaking their head, hovering between incredulity and laughter.
Savyasachee Jha - September 06, 2021, Reedsy Discovery

The Pilgrimage digital art book is available on Apple Books and Google Play.
The Pilgrimage follows the Hassidic celebrations in Lelow, Poland, where the Hassidim from all over the world gather to celebrate the death anniversary of David Biderman — the founder of the Hassidic Lelover dynasty. The reportage chronicles the 2020 commemorations. It provides the reader with a rare glimpse of the Hassidic culture and customs.
60 high-quality images, 50 of those exclusive. Find out more

Loved the intimate view of an otherwise inaccessible group of people. Would like to see more!
Abel_G - Mar 19, 2020, Apple Store Switzerland
MUST SEE! ★★★★★
Incredible photo album! Pure art. Photographs of the highest quality, meaningful, intriguing, educating. A story without judgment, pure professional journalism forcing me to think, to stop, to be there. Congratulations. I'm looking forward to reading more.
Adam Kijowski - May 7, 2020, Apple Store Switzerland
When curiosity got the better of strict vegetarian Thomas Kast, Macao’s ‘fresh food’ emporium proved a challenge on every level. Find out more

The Red Market digital art book is now available on Apple Books and Google Play. Enjoy the full account detailing my journey into the astounding place in Macao, China, where horror and beauty coexist side by side.
Over 60 high-quality images, 50 of those exclusive. Find out more

Thomas Kast portrays a Chinese meat and fish wholesale market in this vivid photo essay. Kast while professing to be a vegan, doesn’t shy away in his portrayals of the art of butchery. This omnivorous eater and reader could literally smell the blood by the end of this book. It is a facsinating look at how animal food is processed and if you don’t mind seeing how the sausage is made you will love it.
Knohoho - Dec 5, 2019, Apple Store USA
An intriguing and thoughtfully guided look into a place and culture I normally would not get the chance to explore. The photographer's descriptions of their walk through the Red Market make the already vivid photos feel even more real.
JustinBoucher - Dec 15, 2019, Apple Store USA
A fascinating glimpse behind doors that are usually closed to us. It felt like kind of a privilege to step into that world. It also felt kinda nice to be able to step out of it again, just for a breather! The book marries light and dark, bitter and sweet; it makes you THINK. At some points, my brain was telling me, "You shouldn't be looking at this"... But. I. Could. Not. Look. Away. It gets ALL THE STARS from me! Highly recommended!
Gen Puttay - Dec 15, 2019, Apple Store Switzerland
RED MARKET est un reportage photo fascinant d’un microcosme d'un pays peu connu, Macao, pour la plupart d’entre nous avec une teinte d’exotisme. THOMAS KAST, maître de son art, capture des moments bien cachés aux touristes et nous dessine des images ainsi que des émotions séduisantes, troublantes, captivantes, alertantes … un livre absolument à découvrir par tous les routards, les amis des nouvelles rencontres des peuples du monde, les amateurs de voyage … un MUST pour les gens d’esprit ouvert. Merci Thomas Kast !
Antje . Deutsch - 19 December 2019, Google Play
Gruelling but shockingly beautiful pictures of a rather dark place. Wittily commented by the author Thomas Kast.
laurarh.123 - Dec 10, 2019, Apple Store Switzerland
Inspiring photography! The sharpness of details, beauty o colors, perfect composition. Behind the simple market, there is a story motivating to think about the essence of our existence. I'm eager to see more of your artwork. Bravo!
Adam Kijowski - May 7, 2020, Apple Store Switzerland

“This shot has a wonderful sense of movement, with the other figures practically ‘flowing’ around the rabbi, who is positioned perfectly in the frame. A thoughtful, thought-provoking image with an almost painterly feel about it.”

Galeria Fotografii B&B, Bielsko Biala, Poland (solo exhibition)
Olympia London / EventCity Manchester, UK (group exhibition)
The 4th Bielsko-Biała Festival of Visual Arts, BWA Gallery (group exhibition)
Reverberations, Kaminska & Stocker Gallery
Yverdon Les Bains, Switzerland (solo exhibition shared with Paul Jenni)
Salon D'art Contemporain 2014, Mag Gallery,
Montreux, Switzerland (group exhibition, represented Kaminska & Stocker Gallery)
See Me Times Square Takeover, Times Square, New York, USA (digital show)
Nord Art 2014, Kunstwerk Carlshütte, Büdelsdorf, Germany (group exhibition)
The 3rd Bielsko-Biała Festival of Visual Arts, BWA Gallery, BWA Gallery,
The Historical Museum Bielsko-Biała, Poland (group exhibition)
Spotlight on Switzerland, artist featured in the Saatchi Art collection,
curated by Katherine Henning
The Story of the Creative, See Me Exhibition Space,
Long Island City, New York, USA (group show)
Creatives Rising digital exhibition, See Me Exhibition Space,
Long Island City, New York, USA (digital show)
A Posteriori, PCK Gallery, Galeria Pod Trzynastką,
Pszczyna, Poland (solo exhibition)
Triggered Reality, Na Solnym - Contemporary Art Gallery,
Wroclaw, Poland (solo exhibition)
DEKADY 1946-2011, ZPAP Nikiszowiec Gallery,
Katowice, Poland (group exhibition)
Sub-Atomic, Gvanim Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel (Solo Exhibition)
Bezalel exhibition at the Arts and Science Centre,
Jerusalem, Israel (group exhibition)
Bezalel exhibition at the Arts and Science Centre,
Jerusalem, Israel (group exhibition)